Wireframe Sketches Blackbook (IA/ UX)

A selection of various wireframes, sketches and paper prototypes made using anything from a Sharpie, to Invision, to Photoshop, Illustrator, or pen and napkin to demonstrate the thought process that goes into a project before a project starts.

  • Designed by Joshua Ortiz

Scholastic Kid’s Dashboard Paper Prototypes (Brainstorm Session)

Usher Webcast & Online Voting Platform Sketch Wireframes
Usher Webcast
Steps to Literacy Wireframes
Steps to Literacy Wireframes

Nickelodeon Screens Up App AR Experience Sketch Wireframes
Screens Up AR Experience

Nickelodeon Screens Up App AR Experience Sketch Wireframes

123 Security Products Wireframes
123 Security Products Wireframes

International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) Wireframes